Design feedback

adding collaborative feedback on a psd file

How to open PSD file to add comments and annotations

In this article, I’ll guide you through how to open PSD files for free. And, assuming you want to do more than look at pretty pictures, how to add feedback as part of your design approval process.

Hearder_ Design request template questions article

7 key questions for your design request form template

Design request forms stand as crucial tools for creative ventures, providing a structured bridge for the exchange of ideas and needs between professionals and their clients or colleagues.

Hearder_ Design annotations article

How design annotations help you get approval faster

Studies show that the human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than it processes text. It comes as no surprise, then, that design is everywhere, filling everything from our kitchen cabinets to our city streets. What most people don’t see, however, are the many rounds of reviews that go into every single sign, logo and web banner. 

Supercharge your review process

Share content, get feedback, and manage approvals with Filestage.

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compare versions side by side

Design version control: the secret tool you're not using in 2024

Which one is the latest version? Which are out of date? Get these answers wrong and you’ll realize too late that you’ve just wasted hours of your precious time working on the wrong file. But by introducing some best practices and setting your team up with a proper version control system, you can solve this problem. 

Supercharge your review process

Share content, get feedback, and manage approvals with Filestage.

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graphic design project management process

12 best graphic design project management software (pros, cons, costs)

Choosing the right creative project management software should be a strategic decision reflecting your company's exact needs. Whether you work as a freelance designer or as a part of a big enterprise, this will greatly impact which software to use. To help you make the right decision, we summed up the 12 best graphic design project management tools for you.

Artwork approval process, software, and best practices

The artwork approval process + 5 best practices

Creating an excellent artwork approval process is about juggling many different things. Filestage's design and artwork approval software is built to tick all these boxes and more.

Supercharge your review process

Share content, get feedback, and manage approvals with Filestage.

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How to build an effective design approval process

How to give and receive great website design feedback

Giving feedback on a website design without a proper tool can be a nightmare. Think of all the screenshots and long emails to explain which parts of the design you’re referring to. But no worries, website feedback tools can quickly turn this nightmare into a pretty smooth process.

The best design feedback tools for quick and clear design reviews

How to collect UI design feedback (and why it’s important)

One of the most exciting parts of digital design is UI design. Its perfect balance between aesthetics and knotty problem-solving makes it so challenging and yet rewarding when done right. 

8 ways to optimize the graphic design process

The 8-step graphic design process (from briefing to user testing)

Having a solid graphic design process will help you to create better designs. Once established, you don’t need to think about the next steps each time you’re working on a new project. You just pursue your approach. Hence, you’re able to focus on the most important aspect: the graphic design.

Supercharge your review process

Share content, get feedback, and manage approvals with Filestage.

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Supercharge your review process

Share content, get feedback, and manage approvals with Filestage.

Start free trial
10 best design collaboration tools for every situation

10 best design collaboration tools for every situation

Making the design process more efficient is essential for any business, and that's where design collaboration tools come in. This article is about how you can improve design collaboration with colleagues, partners, and clients. So if you’re looking for the best design collaboration tools for your team, keep on reading.

design review process

How to set up a reliable design review process and get valuable feedback in 6 steps

Setting up an effective design review process to get valuable feedback is so important. With a good design review process in place, your whole team will make faster and more informed decisions so you can deliver designs that you're truly proud of!

How to create a design feedback form + 20 example questions

How to create a design feedback form + 20 example questions

Getting feedback on your designs is no easy task. And without a proper set of questions and techniques, you’ll likely miss the opportunity to maximize everyone's feedback. This article will shed some light on how design approval software and other tools can help you collect feedback. And you'll get 20 great questions to inspire valuable feedback on your designs!

Supercharge your review process

Share content, get feedback, and manage approvals with Filestage.

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How to ask for (and give) great design feedback

How to ask for (and give) great design feedback

Giving and receiving design feedback is a fundamental part of the design process. How you ask for (and give) feedback can make a big difference when it comes to the progress of your project, the morale of the design team, and the final output. Read further for advice on how to ask for and how to give constructive design feedback.

The best design feedback tools for quick and clear design reviews

5 design feedback tools your stakeholders will love

Feedback is a fundamental part of any design project. Find out how design feedback tools can help make the review process that much easier, giving designers the opportunity to collect in-context comments and annotations so that they can get on with their next round of amends and get closer and closer to sign off.

Supercharge your review process

Share content, get feedback, and manage approvals with Filestage.

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How to build an effective design approval process

How to build an effective design approval process

An effective design approval process can help you to collect feedback, get sign-off and meet deadlines with no stress. Let's take a deeper look at how Filestage could help your design approval process.

Supercharge your review process

Share content, get feedback, and manage approvals with Filestage.

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SLAPS is a Gen Z-focused creative agency based out of Los Angeles and Barcelona. In an era of constant overstimulation, SLAPS is on a mission to enhance the experiences people have with brands. They collaborate closely with their partners, encouraging them to reflect on why and for who they were created.

How SLAPS halves design time to dominate California’s craft cannabis scene with Filestage

SLAPS is a Gen Z-focused creative agency based out of Los Angeles and Barcelona. In an era of constant overstimulation, SLAPS is on a mission to enhance the experiences people have with brands. They collaborate closely with their partners, encouraging them to reflect on why and for who they were created.

feedback tools

The best design feedback tools for quick and clear design reviews

Feedback is important for improving content quality in any project. For designers, precise and in-context comments and annotations are necessary to avoid miscommunication and meet client’s or stakeholder’s expectations. That’s where feedback tools are helpful and make it easy for stakeholders to share their input on design files.